About Bladt Industries
Bladt Industries is a leading supplier within offshore wind turbines. In the last 25 years, the company has delivered more than 2,500 offshore wind turbine foundations, equivalent to more than a third of all the world's offshore wind turbines. Bladt Industries has also supplied a significant number of offshore substations for offshore wind farms. Bladt Industries is the foundation for the green energy transition offshore.
Last transition piece for Vesterhav Nord & Syd project
This weekend, the last transition piece (TP) for the Vesterhav Nord project sailed out from our location in Aalborg to it’s final destination in the Danish North Sea. Earlier this year Bladt has delivered another 20 TP’s for Vesterhav Syd.
In November 2021 we could proudly announce that Vattenfall had awarded Bladt Industries a contract for the fabrication of 41 TPs for the Vesterhav project, 21 units for Vesterhav Nord and 20 units for Vesterhav Syd.
The fabrication started as planned in the spring of 2022, with delivery planned for early 2023. The fabrication of the TP’s has taken place at Bladt Industries’ facilities in Aalborg, Denmark.
Each TP has a height of 22,5 meters and a weight of approximately 260 tons.
The Vesterhav Syd and Nord offshore wind farms will consist of 41 wind turbine generators with a total capacity of 350 MW (180 MW on Nord and 170 MW on Syd). The offshore wind farms will both be located 10 km off the West coast of Jutland near Thyborøn (Nord) and Søndervig (Syd) in water depths of approximately 20 meters. The wind farms will produce enough electricity to supply 350,000 Danish homes in total.
For more information, go to: Vindprojekter i Danmark - Vattenfall

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Vineyard Wind 1: Sail away of substation and jacket for the first commercial scale offshore wind farm in the US
25th of May 2023 marks a significant date for the Vineyard Wind 1 project, as the offshore substation and jacket foundation left the quay at Bladt Industries’ production site in Southern Denmark heading for its destination 35 miles from mainland Massachusetts.