CS WIND Offshore News

Visit from the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in Denmark

Visit from the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in Denmark

15 October 2024
CSWO Oct 15 2024 2

Visit from the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in Denmark

Today, we had the honor of welcoming Ms. Inga Skujina, Ambassador of Latvia, Mr. Janis Kalva, Deputy Head of Mission, and Mr. Gints Janums, Trade and Commercial Representative.

Our colleagues Casper Toft, Chief Commercial Officer and Flemming Smidt Pedersen, Senior Production Engineering Manager, had the opportunity to showcase our capabilities and discuss our perspective on the offshore wind industry in a valuable conversation and a tour of our production site in Aalborg.

We were delighted to share our insights on the sector with Ambassador Skujina and her colleagues from the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in Denmark.

Latvia is an emerging market for offshore wind and presents significant potential for us. Given Latvia’s proximity to our facilities, we remain highly attentive to this market and are eager to participate in conversations concerning future projects in the region.